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Website Design & Development | Government


The Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association is the premier body that provides support and advocacy for multidisciplinary health professionals to deliver evidence-based best practice in cardiovascular care for over 24 years. And the only Australian professional association for all health professionals in cardiovascular health and rehabilitation.


As the premier body for cardiovascular health in Australia, ACRA needed a website that provided important information to current members, and also helped to attract new members and allow them to sign up on the website itself. As with many Government and Not for Profit associations ACRA needed a website that featured a members login in, but also presented important information to non-members and prominently presented news and updates and also housed a large volume of publications and archival materials.


In designing the website functionality was key, as well as projecting a look and feel that reflected the professional nature of the Association. The site allows for quick access to core information about the Association for members and non-members alike.

The member's area features a secure Login, and the website has a "Become a Member" section that allows professionals to join ACRA. The members' section includes access to the online Journal, ACRA Practitioner Guidelines and archives which include ACRA Practitioner Guidelines and the ACRA Conference area which allows members access to presentations given at previous annual conferences.

The website has many useful features including a hover over a regional map of Australia which allows users to easily find their state association. Other features include a prominent featured events calendar and the latest news area. There is also access to the newsletter, and newsletter archive, and also an advertising section for those who wish to advertise on the newsletter.

Web Development Technologies: Content Management System, PHP, XHTML, CSS, and XML.

Visit : http://www.acra.net.au/

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