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Does your website provide a steady stream of new patrons?

Put your cafe on the map through an effective online presence

Does your website provide a steady stream of new patrons?
Does your website provide a steady stream of new patrons?

Does your website provide a steady stream of new patrons?

Put your cafe on the map through an effective online presence

TWMG provided ingenious guidance to kick-start the launch of our new business concept. Consistent with our corporate image throughout the design complemented ouor approach to the market. TWMG managed our expectations perfectly-real pros.
—Kate Docsing
Customer Marketing Manager

TWMG CAFE marketing: mobile friendly website packages

Package Features

Small Business

Medium Business

Web Development

With over 15 years of experience, our team can build websites that align with your business goals.

Dedicated Project Manager


Custom website development Choice of up to 3 layouts with your branding and colours Choice of up to 5 layouts with your branding and colours
Website Pages Up to 5 pages Up to 10 pages


Content Management System
WYSIWYG Content Editor
Homepage Sliding Banner
Contact Form + Google Maps Integration
Cross Browser Compatibility
Spam Filter


Stock Images Royalty Free
(Additional $500)
Licensed Imagery = $500
Royalty Free = Included
(Additional $500)
Content Entry Included
(Additional $500)
(Additional $500)

SEO & Social Media

Google Analytics Installation
Google Webmaster Tools Installation
Search Engine XML Sitemap
Social Media Links
Search Engine Marketing Packages See Price List See Price List

    With over 15 years of experience, our team can build websites that align with your business goals.

  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • Custom Website Development Choice of up to 3 layouts with your branding and colours
  • Website Pages Up to 5 pages
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • WYSIWYG Content Editor
  • Homepage Sliding Banner
  • Contact Form + Google Maps Integration
  • Menu
  • Gallery
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Spam Filter
  • Stock Images Not Included (Additional $500)
  • Content Entry Not Included (Additional $500)
  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Tools Installation
  • Search Engine XML Sitemap
  • Social Media Links
  • Search Engine Marketing Packages See Price List

    With over 15 years of experience, our team can build websites that align with your business goals.

  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • Custom Website Development Choice of up to 5 layouts with your branding and colours
  • Website Pages Up to 10 pages
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • WYSIWYG Content Editor
  • Homepage Sliding Banner
  • Contact Form + Google Maps Integration
  • Menu
  • Gallery
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Spam Filter
  • Stock Images Not Included (Additional $500)
  • Content Entry Not Included (Additional $500)
  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Tools Installation
  • Search Engine XML Sitemap
  • Social Media Links
  • Search Engine Marketing Packages See Price List